Characters: protheanruins Liara T'Soni and iwaspromisedtea Eleven Setting/Location: Streamdrab, Outside, Some Fascinating Building Or Another Date & Time: Day 10. Daytime. Warnings: None Summary: Liara is exploring! There might be, like, fascinating archeological things. .... There's a slim chance of it. Doctor, also, likes exploring.
Characters: Liara T'Soni protheanruins & OPEN. Cell Occupants and Caravaners alike? Setting/Location: The Beast's Castle, near the Cells. Date & Time: Day 6, After the Prisoners are released Warnings: None? Summary: Finding the cells unlocked, Liara starts to explore. A little.
Characters: Gin, residents of Cell A & B Setting/Location: Cells A, B, and the general containment area Date & Time: Day 5, ??? time Warnings: None Summary: Gin is restless curious and makes a go at bridging the communication gap between the two cells.
Characters: Doc here and residents of CELL B Setting/Location: Cell B Date & Time: Day five, after he wakes up? Warnings: Foul mouthedness from Doc Worth, of course Summary: #%$@%^$@&@$#*%^$%&@%$^%$*@$%&